Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
This year has brought many smiles, many tears, heartache, happiness, sadness, love and the list could go one. It's one big box wrapped up in emotions. It's my gift box i give to myself for Christmas each year.
This year for me has been another year of intense growth, not only in work but also my personal life. On reflection, I have learn't more about myself this year than any other previous years. For the first time in my life I finally feel comfortable in my skin and who i am. I also ponder the question will this change? Considering this is the first time i have experienced this and secondly does everything remain the same? Of course not i say casually. That is the beauty about life and human beings, everything in motion is constantly in a changing state. So, as humans (lucky us) we are constantly evolving, changing thought patterns, changing our belief systems, constantly working on ourselves, our relationships, etc, and the list goes on. So much work, so much work! I confess, life is definitely hard at times. It's the hard times that really push our boundaries, it's these moments that we have to pull out the shovel and start digging deep. Also too, sometimes i think why can't this end? haven't i been through enough, why is this happening again. Ok, universe what is that you are trying to tell me. Haven't I learn't all the lessons???
What I have come to learn, is that sometimes there are no answers!
Give yourself a gift box for Christmas, we all deserve one! We have all worked so hard, and its nice to have these little reminders to be kind to ourselves! To love ourselves! And sitting with just BEING!
This year has been such a big year for so many people on so many levels. At the end of the day all our stuff is a big as each others. There are no comparisons just moments of sharing and experiencing. I have been so grateful for my clients who have blessed me with the chance of knowing them. From each other we all keep learning and growing. I feel so lucky to have been able to share the loss of my Mum with my patients. Everyone has been so amazing!
What does 2012 bring us? The invetible question. My opinion is change. I think 2012 will be a great year. This year we have been faced with many challenges on a large scale. It has been a big year! The energy is definitely shifting. Next year will be the last year we ever have a calender year 12/12/12.
I love writing and I haven't been in the head space to write about fertility. So next year lookout. I have lots of wonderful things to share and write about. I can't wait to put thoughts to paper and share with you what i know about fertility, life experiences etc.
Friday, 25 November 2011
BABY PICTURE: Can you find the baby in the picture.
One of my friends posted this in facebook. I think it's beautiful. Can you find the baby in the picture?
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Ten Tips to Kick "Start" your PCOS diet
1. Eat low Glycemic Index (GI) carbohydrates such as vegetables and whole grains. It is very important for women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) to completely avoid refined carbohydrates including sugar, white flour, whole wheat flour and products made from them eg: pasta, breads, desserts, lollies, soft drinks)
2. Keep your blood sugar stable with a daily schedule of meals and snacks every three to five hours that includes some protein and good fats (for example some nuts/nut butter, seeds/seed butter, hardboiled egg, hummus dip). Protein foods take up to 5 hours to digest while carbohydrate foods digest within 30 minutes.
3. Eat at least five servings a day of vegetables including two of leafy greens
4. Have a daily serving of legumes like black beans or lentils.
5. Enjoy grass or pasture fed (organic) meat up to three times a week
6. Eat at least three daily servings of fruits like berries --which have a lower glycemic impact each fruit as part of a meal or with a protein.
7. Limit or eliminate milk and dairy as these can aggravate internal dampness. If you do have dairy have only non- homogenized full fat milk
8. Pay careful attention to portion sizes in order to moderate glucose load and minimize insulin resistance
9. Add one or two Tbsp of cinnamon on cereal each morning to help decrease insulin resistance.
10. Include pre-biotic and pro-biotic foods which promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. Pre-biotics are found in whole grains, onions, bananas, garlic, honey, leeks, artichokes and some fortified foods. Pro-biotic foods are found in fermented foods (sauerkraut, live culture yogurt, kim chi, miso).
Monday, 26 September 2011
10 Fertility Myths
The Truth about the dos and don'ts for falling pregnant. An article featured in the Herald Sun, Sunday Magazine.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Sadly my Mum passed away on the 4th September.
Mum, Judith this a celebration of your life and what an amazing woman you were.
Mother Teresa put it like this "in this life we cannot do great things, we can only do small things with great love. This is how Mum lived. She did everything with great love.
Mum, Judith this a celebration of your life and what an amazing woman you were.
Mother Teresa put it like this "in this life we cannot do great things, we can only do small things with great love. This is how Mum lived. She did everything with great love.
Mum, she loved and she loved fully
She touched the hearts of all those she met and knew.
She lived in the spirit of her heart
She lived fully
She had a loving relationship with all of life
Her love unconditional
She saw the preciousness in life and love.
The light could be seen in the brillance of the heart spirit sparkling in her eyes.
Her smile was infectious, warming and inviting
Her words of wisdom I will truly miss - yes Mum you were always right
A survivor, a brave fighter, she conquered breast cancer.
She lived through the changes in life with grace, wisdom and compassion
She moved through life from one change to another growing her spiritual being
She touched each moment of this changing life and allowed herself to be there fully
She has taught us all the value in times of great change is the currency of our heart- the ability and understandings of the heart to live and love.
Her love was the source of all energy that created and connected us all here today.
Out of love, she led all of us here today, to create peace around her, to honour the sacred in her life, to bless whatever she encounters and to wish her well.
In the end she knew that to love and let go were the same thing
Her last wish was for us to be a family again. Reunited as one
Mums wish finally granted.
Now she doesn’t have to fight anymore.
Mum was everything to dad, grant and i. Now a piece of our world is missing. Her warmth, her presence will never be forgotten. For mum will always live in our hearts.
The rain has stopped, the clouds have drifted away.
The weather is clear again
If your heart is pure, then all things in your world are pure,
Then the moon and flowers will guide along the way.
As the mystics say in the body of Buddha and the body of Christ
Is even the limited things of the world are filled with inexhaustible sweetness and purity.
Thank-you for making me strong, for giving me the strength to carry on. I will miss you Mum, my best friend, the person in my life who inspires me to a better woman. I love you Judy Cheeks xx
Sunday, 21 August 2011
What you need to ask your Fertility Doctor
Amanda Waaldyk will be running an information afternoon on Saturday 17th September from 12 - 2pm about what you need to ask your Fertility Doctor. The talk will cover the "essential tests" you need to get from your Fertility Doctor. This is for patients new to IVF or for those who have had failed IVF cycles.
Bookings are essential. Please call the clinic on 9510 3700 to secure your place.
Bookings are essential. Please call the clinic on 9510 3700 to secure your place.
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
The Advantages of Acupuncture during IVF treatment and Natural Fertility
Acupuncture works in the following ways:
1. Acupuncture can increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, which dramatically improves a woman’s response to hormonal therapy.
2. Acupuncture has been shown to regulate hormone levels by moderating the release of beta endorphins levels in the brain, which improves the release of gonadotrophin releasing hormone by the hypothalamus, follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland and oestrogen and progesterone levels from the ovary.
3. Acupuncture reduces stress and a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system response.
4. Acupuncture has been speculated to moderate cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin levels in the uterus, reducing uterine motility to improve implantation rates.
5. Herbs nourish the blood, whilst acupuncture moves qi, which facilitates the movement of blood. It has been claimed that some herbal formulas produce high clinical pregnancy rates as well as improve the general wellbeing of patients.
The following descriptions below will describe how acupuncture can integrate with Western Medicine. Each point is directly linked to the points above.
1. There needs to be adequate blood flow to the developing ovarian follicle. This is essential to the initiation and maintenance of normal human pregnancy. Doppler ultrasound evaluation of uterine and ovarian blood flow has demonstrated that improved blood flow in either vascular system is associated with improved fertility outcomes. Women who respond poorly to ovarian stimulation for IVF have compromised blood flow to their ovarian follicles.
2. There are 4 phases in the menstrual cycle. During each phases various hormones are released. The most common cause of infertility is hormonal imbalance.
3. From a Western Medicine perspective, people who are under stress release the hormone cortisol in the brain. Cortisol alters the brain’s neurochemical balance thus changing hormone levels and disrupting the pituitary balance, which is the key to the reproductive cycle. Because of this delicate balance between the hypothalamus, pituitary and reproductive glands, stress is capable of preventing a woman from ovulating entirely.
4. For IVF transfers and implantations the endometrium needs to be of particular
density and thickness for successful implantations and fertilization. The uterus therefore needs to be in a relaxed state.
5. The menses is based on the condition of the blood.
If you would like to know more you can read the clinic study on the "impact of acupuncture on in vitro fertilization outcome". Click the following link or paste:
1. Acupuncture can increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, which dramatically improves a woman’s response to hormonal therapy.
2. Acupuncture has been shown to regulate hormone levels by moderating the release of beta endorphins levels in the brain, which improves the release of gonadotrophin releasing hormone by the hypothalamus, follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland and oestrogen and progesterone levels from the ovary.
3. Acupuncture reduces stress and a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system response.
4. Acupuncture has been speculated to moderate cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin levels in the uterus, reducing uterine motility to improve implantation rates.
5. Herbs nourish the blood, whilst acupuncture moves qi, which facilitates the movement of blood. It has been claimed that some herbal formulas produce high clinical pregnancy rates as well as improve the general wellbeing of patients.
The following descriptions below will describe how acupuncture can integrate with Western Medicine. Each point is directly linked to the points above.
1. There needs to be adequate blood flow to the developing ovarian follicle. This is essential to the initiation and maintenance of normal human pregnancy. Doppler ultrasound evaluation of uterine and ovarian blood flow has demonstrated that improved blood flow in either vascular system is associated with improved fertility outcomes. Women who respond poorly to ovarian stimulation for IVF have compromised blood flow to their ovarian follicles.
2. There are 4 phases in the menstrual cycle. During each phases various hormones are released. The most common cause of infertility is hormonal imbalance.
3. From a Western Medicine perspective, people who are under stress release the hormone cortisol in the brain. Cortisol alters the brain’s neurochemical balance thus changing hormone levels and disrupting the pituitary balance, which is the key to the reproductive cycle. Because of this delicate balance between the hypothalamus, pituitary and reproductive glands, stress is capable of preventing a woman from ovulating entirely.
4. For IVF transfers and implantations the endometrium needs to be of particular
density and thickness for successful implantations and fertilization. The uterus therefore needs to be in a relaxed state.
5. The menses is based on the condition of the blood.
If you would like to know more you can read the clinic study on the "impact of acupuncture on in vitro fertilization outcome". Click the following link or paste:
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Did you Know?
Did you know the difference between female and male fertility? The Wall Street Journal published some very interesting research recently, which suggests that although women are born with a limited reserve of eggs, the female egg contains original genetic component, as she ages, that was created at the very start of a woman's life. Male sperm, on the other hand, whilst in abundance, runs the risk of genetic error because it is continually renewed as the man ages.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Angea Fertility Clinic: Recipes
Angea Fertility Clinic: Recipes: "LIVING RAW FOOD RECIPES Last night i went over to Mum and Dad's and cooked dinner for them. It wasn't anything special but it was food ma..."
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Australian woman Anthea Nicholas gives birth at 50 naturally without IVF
At Angea Fertility we love stories like this one! Written in the Herald Sun today and covered in Women's Weekly. I will be writing more about this tomorrow. You can read the article by clicking on the link below.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
The Importance of Knowing your Body
Eleven years ago Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time she had noticed a lump in her breast and consulted her GP who sent her to for a mammogram. The results came back negative and the GP said come back in 12 months. Mum wasn’t happy with the results so decided to seek a second opinion. The second Doctor sent her straight to a Breast Cancer Surgeon who had a special type of ultrasound performed, after which she discovered she had Breast Cancer. Mum was one of the lucky survivors after having a mastectomy and chemotherapy. For cancer survivors they never really know if they are in the clear. There is always a suspicion that it may come back. Cancer is prevalent in our family; Mum’s Mum passed away at age 56 from bowel cancer and her auntie also from bowel cancer. For Mum, having a regular colonsocopy every 5 years, Pap smear every 2 years and breast checks every year is always a number one priority. Each time her results come back “all clear”.
Over the last couple of months, Mum started to notice she had low-grade abdominal pain and her bowel movements were becoming slightly irregular and in Mum’s words,’ weren’t working perfectly’. Mum’s bowels are like clockwork, guaranteed once a day! In our family talking about bowel movements is an open conversation, especially as I am a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. In my clinic sits a book called “What’s your Poo telling you? This is a favorite. It talks about all the different kinds of wonderful and not so wonderful Poo. You need to add humor to topics that are difficult to discuss. When Mum lost her breast after her mastectomy she jumped on the scales and said, “What, I haven’t even lost any weight, my boob weighed nothing”. Mum has a funny sense of humor. We love her for it! In our family there is never a dull moment. This photo was taken last year of Mum and I in LA - Hotel Roosevelt just after the completion of my yoga course.
Coming back to the present moment, Mum headed off to her GP due to her low-grade abdominal pain. The GP sent her for a pelvic ultrasound. Her results indicated the lining of her womb was 7mm and her ovaries were described as lumpy. She was informed to come back in 6 months again as there was an absence of bleeding. Once again Mum was not happy with the test results. The biggest warning sign for Mum, was knowing her body and knowing that something wasn’t feeling quite right. Over the next week, the abdominal pain moved higher and was beginning to become more intense. She went back to her Doctor and she sent her for a CT scan. The scan revealed she had a blockage in her bowel. Mum was admitted to the emergency ward. Three days later Mum was in the operating theatre having part of her bowel removed and her left ovary. Her pathology results came back positive with a diagnosis of Signet Ring Cell Cancer. To be honest, the diagnosis completely shocked me. I never suspected it would happen again. You think after eleven years that everything will be ok. Mum looks the picture of health to me. Mum is an amazingly strong women, and I have no doubt she will get through this as she did with the Breast Cancer.
Yesterday we had a big family lunch and I asked Mum how did you know? What were the signals? She said “it’s the importance of knowing your body, learn to know your body and it’s signals”. The importance of this message is to listen to your body. Our bodies talks to us in so many ways. As human beings we get so caught up in living in the moment with our busy lives that sometimes our health isn’t a priority. Our health is free and we need to look after it as we do ourselves. For every women it is extremely important that you have your regular pap smear tests every two years and your breast examinations yearly. When it comes to your fertility, firstly and foremost go and see your GP. I always recommend to my clients to have all tests performed before starting natural conception or IVF. Have your FSH levels tested, Progesterone levels, AMH, sperm analysis and have a pelvic ultrasound. Know your menstrual cycle and start to become in tune with your body. Listen to your body because it will talk it you. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t leave it or ignore it. Do something about it, be proactive towards your health and your body. Be responsible for your Health.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
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