Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Sadly my Mum passed away on the 4th September.

Mum, Judith this a celebration of your life and what an amazing woman you were.

Mother Teresa put it like this "in this life we cannot do great things, we can only do small things with great love. This is how Mum lived. She did everything with great love.


Mum, she loved and she loved fully
She touched the hearts of all those she met and knew.
She lived in the spirit of her heart
She lived fully
She had a loving relationship with all of life
Her love unconditional
She saw the preciousness in life and love.
The light could be seen in the brillance of the heart spirit sparkling in her eyes.
Her smile was infectious, warming and inviting
Her words of wisdom I will truly miss - yes Mum you were always right
A survivor, a brave fighter, she conquered breast cancer.
She lived through the changes in life with grace, wisdom and compassion
She moved through life from one change to another growing her spiritual being
She touched each moment of this changing life and allowed herself to be there fully
She has taught us all the value in times of great change is the currency of our heart- the ability and understandings of the heart to live and love.
Her love was the source of all energy that created and connected us all here today.
Out of love, she led all of us here today, to create peace around her, to honour the sacred in her life, to bless whatever she encounters and to wish her well.
In the end she knew that to love and let go were the same thing
Her last wish was for us to be a family again. Reunited as one
Mums wish finally granted.
Now she doesn’t have to fight anymore.
Mum was everything to dad, grant and i. Now a piece of our world is missing. Her warmth, her presence will never be forgotten. For mum will always live in our hearts.

The rain has stopped, the clouds have drifted away.
The weather is clear again
If your heart is pure, then all things in your world are pure,
Then the moon and flowers will guide along the way.
As the mystics say in the body of Buddha and the body of Christ
Is even the limited things of the world are filled with inexhaustible sweetness and purity.

Thank-you for making me strong, for giving me the strength to carry on. I will miss you Mum, my best friend, the person in my life who inspires me to a better woman. I love you Judy Cheeks xx